Thanks to all our customers for all your messages, numerous pictures and videos of your new family members settling in!
Born Free Run Free
Golden Retriever, Cavachon and Golden Cocker Retriever Puppies For Sale in Switzerland.
Green Valley Kennel is situated in the countryside of Co. Limerick, Ireland. Our primary service is to deliver your dog to you safely in Switzerland.
We know from experience that a puppy can completely change a person’s life for the better and can be the best friend you may ever need.
The Cavachon is a cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. Adorable, compact and full of fun. A playful companion with a charming disposition.
Learn More about the Cavachon breed and view available pups.
Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. The breed’s friendly, tolerant attitude makes them great family pets, and their intelligence makes them highly capable working dogs.
Learn More about the Golden Retriever breed and view available pups.
Golden Cocker Retriever
The Golden Cocker Retriever is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Cocker Spaniel. Friendly, intelligent and energetic making a great family dog that will want to be involved in all your daily activities.
Learn More about the Golden Cocker Retriever breed and view available pups.

“Dougal who came from Green Valley back in 2008 is still going strong will be 12 on the 14th April! It was a really lovely place when I went there, I was shown around the entire kennels and all the doggies, both Mammies and Daddies were happy, free and well looked after! Margaret was a typical Irish Mammy type lady who was so nice and all I can say is that they gave me a masterpiece of a dog and for that I will be forever grateful and I doubt things have changed!!”
— Valerie
International Pet Travel Switzerland
Our primary service is to deliver your dog to you safely. We look after all documentation, flights, injections and all the requirements needed to deliver you a healthy happy puppy. Our expertise in exporting puppies means that you don’t have to worry about all the requirements, we take that into our own hands.
We work with a pet transport company that allows us access to live flights and keeps us up to date on new regulations. We work with the department of agriculture to ensure documentation is accepted upon entry. Please contact us for further information.
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Selection of our puppies from previous litters.
Contact us
Interested in buying a puppy, booking a visit or have a question?
Contact us by phone +35387 115 4104 or via the contact form
Margaret Gilbourne
Garbally, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick, Ireland. V42 PD39